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Sustainability is our top priority! Secure your free Lui Tokens and earn money from ads in our apps - without ever having to play an app or watch any advertisement!

We build a better World! Get to know us


At the core of our sustainable venture lies a unique strategy: acquiring and enhancing popular applications that resonate with millions of users worldwide. These apps not only serve as a platform for displaying advertisements but also as a sustainable revenue stream. The profits generated from these advertisements are ingeniously redirected towards constructing homes and schools from recycled plastic waste collected from our oceans.

Moreover, Lui is dedicated to advancing gender equality by encouraging individuals of all genders to explore or further their careers in programming.

Additionally, we are passionate about democratizing the tech industry by empowering everyone with the opportunity to launch their own software company.

We do what we love to create a sustainable flow of money for everyone

As our Company grows

we will add more and more features. we are just limited by money to pay the European union, what they want us to reserve backhands. thats where you come into play!

we can only grow if you participiate - the more income the more we can do and add!

What we do to create a sustainable flow of money for everyone


By reskinning existing games, we are cultivating a steadily increasing revenue stream. Our strategy aims to cater to all age groups, creating a unique model, where even individuals without tokens can generate income for those who possess them. This innovative approach allows us to distribute Scooterlui tokens through airdrops, broadening our reach and inclusivity.

But why do we do that?

Our existence hinges on those familiar with us, and the more people that know us, the greater the likelihood that at least once a month, someone will use one of our apps. Even if it's just to see what's new or different.

klick me!
L (9)
Locked Liquidity


To ensure uninterrupted trading access for all, we've secured our liquidity for a century, thereby safeguarding the financial future of three successive generations.

How to participiate

Get Ready

Our token is on the Polygon Blockchain. 
To Swap your Lui Token you need a wallet connect compatible wallet like metamask, OKX or trust wallet.

We offer different ways to gain more Lui Token:
-> Refer people
-> test new games


Contact Us

Get in touch with us and recieve your airdrop

Get your Airdrop

Impressum/ about us
  • CEO

    Benjamin Christopher Leimer

  • Company Name

    Announcement Enterprises

  • Wienerbergstrasse 16-20/10/14,

    1120 Vienna, Austria


  • +43 660 9650943

  • Company Registration Number

                             619164 k

  • EUID:


Benjamin Leimer

Our Vision - Your Mission


See what people are saying

“I love using Scooterlui Crypto and More! The free Lui tokens they give away are a great incentive to download their apps and start generating money through ads. It's a win-win situation!”
Ervin Howell, VP Product, Deckow-Crist
“Scooterlui Crypto and More changed my life!  free Lui tokens as an airdrop are awesome! I downloaded just one of their apps and started generating money through ads imidially. ”
KarinAi, AI-content Product, Vienna