Scooterlui Crypto and More City

geräumige Hauser mit solarmodulen als dach
Scooterlui Crypto and More City
The great sense of Scooterlui - the vision of a Silicon Valley
Where apps for scooterLui crypto and more are programmed and housing is affordable

The “Scooterlui Crypto and More” city is an innovative concept based on the principles of sustainability, technological advancement, social responsibility, education and healthcare. Inspired by the historic Fuggerei in Germany, a social settlement founded in 1516 by Jakob Fugger the Rich, this city will become a center for technology enthusiasts and their families who strive for a sustainable and future-oriented way of life, without religious or cult-like intentions. along with the knowledge that their homes were built from processed plastic from the sea!
Every citizen should receive 1 Lui Token on the day they move into their home. In the case of a married couple, 2 Lui Tokens. These should be worth enough for them to be able to support themselves carefree during their stay until they leave. At least one person should be committed to technology and strive to set up a business. The advantage should be that free counseling should take place in our town hall and competent officials of the respective state (at the moment Austria is planned) should sit there.

Similar to the Fuggerei, the “Scooterlui Crypto and More” city consists of identical residential buildings that are accessible to all residents, regardless of their income. Each house is powered by solar energy and wind power, with the roofs being used for the installation of solar panels and wind turbines. Residents commit to contributing to the local economy by providing batteries or storage modules for energy storage and using the internal crypto token “Scooter”. In addition, part of the proceeds from liquidity cryptocurrencies will be invested in the maintenance and expansion of sustainable energy infrastructure and new homes. In the “Scooterlui Crypto and More” city, social responsibility and economic cooperation are a top priority. Every citizen is obliged to report a new innovation, app or anything else to the town hall once a year. Residents get involved in charitable projects to improve the quality of life in the city and actively participate in decision-making processes as part of a participatory city administration. Residents commit to giving one symbolic euro per year and donating 1 (one) battery (specified by the city) to expand and maintain the community storage facility, these storage facilities are to be set up separately so that not everything fails in the event of an incident.

The city strives to be not only a place to live, but also a center for innovation and entrepreneurship. By regularly encouraging talented app developers and providing financial support to start their own businesses, a dynamic and creative community is created. An annual competition to recognize the most successful app development encourages a spirit of innovation and rewards excellence. The most successful app in the city is purchased by “Scooterlui Crypto and More”, for which 10% of the annual profits of “Scooterlui” are earmarked for purchase. The successful developer is released from the city contract to set up his own company, but is not allowed to build a house within a radius of 10 km. Furthermore, the “Scooterlui Crypto and More” city places great importance on education, healthcare, leisure opportunities and the integration of people from different cultural backgrounds. Schools, universities and medical facilities are integrated into the city to give residents access to high-quality education and healthcare. Parks, community centers and cultural events provide residents with opportunities for recreation, relaxation and social interaction. Intercultural understanding and integration programs will create an open and tolerant community that promotes diversity and inclusion.


-When the city is founded, the token is to be converted from a utility token to a security token.
75% of ScooterLui's after-tax revenue from advertising will be invested in the USDT-USDC trading pair according to the percentages indicated,
-15% in a lawyer or law firm for all citizens of the city for all cases that happen in the city, and
-10% in the purchase of the most successful APP the city has produced this year.
-The proceeds from the USDT-USDC trading pair will go towards the purchase of Lui tokens.
-The proceeds from the LUI-MATIC trading pair shall be paid out to the descendants of the Leimer family in equal shares. subsequent requested affiliation may not include claims over past payments.
The income from the LUI-USDT, LUI-USDC trading pair shall be used to build a new home for 5 new residents whenever there is enough money to do so. and the floor area must exceed the energy consumption so that more electricity is produced than consumed.


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