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your Airdrop gets paid in the next 48hours

  1. Download

    our main app and get some Lui airdropped (worth 0.002USD)

  2. Referral

    get more Lui token by referring people (worth another 0.002USD)

  3. Join

    our tester group to get more Lui Token and to be able to participiate in testing our apps before others (you get the same amount as for referring 50 people worth 0.10 usd)

Content Library

A library of resources and digital assets to help you learn and grow.

Scooterlui APP google

this is your starting point in our ecosystem, get to know when a new app is ready to test and many other things



how the ecosystem works


Game tester group

join the game tester group. this has to be done only once, for participiation in our app tests.

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How we earn Money

get the tools to start your own bussiness

Our story

Our company

we want you to learn to make your own way and doesnt hide anything from you. so here we provide you all the tools you need to make something like us yourself


follow these steps

Our story

Register on google Play

First, test how your project performs on Google, then proceed to Apple.

Google requires a one-time fee of $25, whereas Apple charges an annual fee of $99.


follow these steps

Our story

Launch Your Initial Applications

Google's search engine offers the option to look up reskinning possibilities.

Together with Fiverr, your app can be polished and ready for the Play Store.


follow these steps

Our story

Reach out to the authorities

whether it's Bafin, FMA, or any other regulatory body, before presenting your concept, you should first educate yourselves on what is permissible.


follow these steps

Our story

Get ready for google admob

the initial thing to make income.

its free to register. if you want to start adsfree but with in game purchases, reach out your fiverr

What we Play

yes we play and test games where you can earn money


This is our favourit.
a combbination of world of warcraft and fortnite.
play with others and earn nft-drops

👍no invest needed
🏋️on eth chain

invite code needed, find it on twitter

Group of smiling people looking striaght ahead at camera

support what we do

Join us in making a difference in our lives the lives of our neighbors by supporting what we do. Your donation will help provide all the people around you a steady income to individuals and families facing insecurity right here in our community.

ScooterLui will never misuse your funds. Your donation reaches exactly where it's intended! We're here to ensure that everyone has at least a little something on their table each month, offering a glimmer of hope for brighter days ahead.

Donate now

Recommended amount: $15.00

to raise funds for the next game and one more steady income